About Us

Hi, I'm Haely, Founder of 

Genesis Consulting

I never imagined that I would be a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Certified Dementia Care Specialist, Legislative Advocate in the state of Kansas and Multriprenur of 6 companies, but here I am! 

I’m sure you never imagined you would be here either, but here you are, on your own journey, needing a guiding hand. 

I’m honored you are here and I’m here to help. My passion is empowering and educating and I believe that this combination can move mountains. Support is lacking so much in this day and age. Gone are the days when we wear one hat and have one title. Knowing how to navigate systems, set healthy boundaries, and utilize unknown resources can change the trajectory of your journey.

Let’s walk together on the adventure of education and empowerment.

Why Genesis Consulting?

​The word Genesis is translated to "In the beginning."

Most of us could agree that beginning any new journey is often the hardest. 

Things are new.



And lonely. 

I often wished I had someone to guide me at the beginning of my multiple dementia journeys.  Instead, I navigated and learned some pretty strong lessons along the way. 

The heartbreak, the healing, the blessings, the lessons.

Guiding people in their journey.

Helping them avoid painful mistakes.

Helping them find JOY in their journey.

That's what I'm here for...

For the family member who just received the diagnosis of Dementia/Alzheimers for their loved one and has no idea how they're going to navigate and what will be needed. 

For the brand new Nursing Home Administrator who just passed their Licensure but has no idea what it takes to be an Administrator. 

For the brand new business owner who is banking on their dreams, goals, aspirations, and work ethic to get them through but has no idea what else it truly takes. 

As a kid, I always wanted to change the world. I always questioned the journey that I had been through. Now, I finally understand that I was given these experiences... for the purpose of serving others at the beginning of their journey... and beyond. 

Meet The Team


We are a group of passionate and fun professionals eager to share our knowledge of programming, coding, and running a business in the tech industry.

Alli Choi

Web Developer

Jon Lynch

Lead Programmer

Ryan Patel

 Business Strategist